Work memories
Created by David and Anne 4 years ago
I moved to Cardiff in 1968 to set up the new Medical Physics Dept. for the University Hospital of Wales. I appointed Ken to be my assistant. In about 1970 we
were selecting equipment for UHW, and Ken and I went to Frankfurt to assess new
nuclear medical equipment. After a busy day exploring the equipment, our hosts
took us into town. I remember a young scantily clad fraulein wanting to “Lick
Ken’s ice cream”. We were taken to a strip club when Ken came out with the line
“When you have seen one naked lady, they all look the same”. I should say that,
of course Ken was totally sober, whereas the rest of the group had had a few
beers on the way.
He was an excellent colleague, and a pleasure to work with, but we also shared an important friendship with Ken, Margaret and the girls. David and Anne Whelpton